Be cautious about clicking on offers for freebies.

There are a number of malicious websites and fake Facebook accounts claiming to offer free chips. Our players' safety is important to us! Exercise caution in your online activities, and keep these tips in mind at all times:

If it seems too good to be true, don't trust it.

The Internet can be a dangerous place if you don't use caution. Clicking on untrustworthy links can result in viruses, malware, even theft of your personal information.

Super Bingo HD has only one authorized Facebook page.

Our official Facebook page is:

We will never ask you to provide additional personal information in exchange for free chips. 

When we give out free chips, they're actually free! If you click on a "free chips" offer that requires you to fill out a survey or provide additional personal information, that is not a real Super Bingo HD offer. 

We will never post links within a comment thread.

Our links are always in the post itself, never the comments below the post. If you see comments that contain links, those comments are not from Super Bingo HD, no matter what the username appears to be. 

There is a simple test to make sure you are looking at a post or comment made by our official, trusted Facebook account rather than an impostor: Hover your mouse over the username and look for the blue checkmark. 

Tip: Hover over the blue check mark icon as well to be absolutely confident! A scammer could Photoshop a blue check mark onto their cover photo. The real icon will pop up the message Verified page when you mouse over it:

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